Hello, I am a filmmaker, currently doing research for a documentary about trichotillomania (TTM). I would like to make a well-informed and sensitive film that will increase understanding and raise awareness about TTM. I am working closely with Lucinda Ellery who supports the idea of making a film to highlight this important issue. We hope that, among other things, the documentary will reach out to women living with TTM, helping them to see that they are not alone. To help with my research, at this early stage, I would like to speak to women who have had experience of TTM so that I can lea as much as possible before starting to make the film. These conversations would be entirely confidential and involve no commitment whatsoever to taking part in the documentary later on. Perhaps you’re leaing to manage your condition or maybe you’ve had problems with TTM in the past? Maybe you’ve never spoken about it at all or perhaps a family member, daughter, sister or friend is currently living with the condition? Whatever your experience, I would be very grateful to hear anything you felt able to share with me in strictest confidence. My email contact is ruthk@minnowfilms.co.uk and my mobile number is 07966 619 579. You can contact me at any time. I am happy to converse over email or telephone – whichever you prefer. Many thanks. Ruth Kelly. You can also contact Miriam Afford on Miriam@lucindaellery.com or 0208 741 8224.