Natural Hair Line Parting and
Natural Hair Line Sides
We have received very positive feedback from our clients using the ‘Natural Hair Line Parting’ and the ‘Natural Hair Line Sides’.

The ‘Natural Hair Line Parting’ is a suitable option for our Intralace System™ clients that have areas of hair loss directly at their hair line. We use a small amount of liquid adhesive to attach the new hair line to your scalp. This particular type of parting introduces more options in terms of styling the front section of your Intralace System™. You can see from the pictures that the hair line can be completely exposed.
The ‘Natural Hair Line Sides’ are suitable for our clients that have areas of hair loss at the sides of their hair. Like the ‘Natural Hair Line Parting’, we use a small amount of liquid adhesive to help attach these additions. The side panels will replace your old side hair line and therefore will offer you more options in terms of styling your hair. It will be an opportunity to comfortably wear your hair behind your ears.

If you are considering changing your style and you would like to discuss things further then please let one of our Studio Managers know. This will enable us to arrange for you to have a private consultation with Chris Hinchliffe to discuss whether the Natural Hair Line and Side Line Parting is suitable for you. We have been successfully using this technique with over 50 clients.

Lucinda Ellery Consultancy is constantly striving to be innovative in finding ways to develop our Hair Management Systems. We are delighted that our clients using the new components are extremely happy with the results.
Appointments at Lucinda
Ellery Manchester
 We have been booking appoint- ments for our Manchester Studio for a few weeks now. 
Do remember if it is more convenient for you to have your Intralace System™ Adjustment appointments or your Hair Extension appointment in Manchester, then please let our Reception team know by calling us on 0208 741 8224. 
Models for our New Manchester Studio
We have had lots of interest from the media with regard to the opening of our new studio in Manchester. We are looking for models to take part in various press features for in and around the Greater Manchester area. If you are interested in taking part then please send a brief profile to Miriam Afford (Client Relationship Manager) to

The press will always want to use before and after pictures and we understand that this may not suit some clients. For those of you that are willing to take part and are happy to have your photos published then please do get in touch with Miriam.

If your story and images are chosen to be part of an article that is published, we will place a credit on your Lucinda Ellery account as a thank you for your time and participation.
NHS Funding
 If you wish to apply for NHS funding and want to find out more about the process whether you are a new or ex-
isting client, please contactKashmira Champaneri (Senior Office Administrator) or Rosemary Hocknell (Operations Manager) on 0208 741 8224 ext 1004 or ext 1013.
Trichotillomania (TTM) Documentary for
Channel 4
 Lucinda has been working with a lady called Ruth Kelly who has been commissioned by Channel 4 to make a documentary regarding Trichotillo mania. Lots of our clients have been contributing to the making of this film
by talking to Ruth and helping her gain an insight into TTM.
If you are willing to just have a chat over the phone about your experience, then please get in touch with Ruth on 07966 619 579 or email

Ruth would also like to speak to parents, partners or friends of clients with TTM. You are not in any way obliged to take part in filming but sharing your experience with Ruth will certainly help her get a true understanding of TTM.
Easter Opening Times
Our London and Manchester Studio will be closed on Friday the 2nd of April and Tuesday the 6th of April 2010. Please note however, that both studios will be open on Saturday the 3rd of April 2010.
312 King Street, Hammersmith, London, W6 0RR, 0208 741 8224