Dear Ladies,
Lucinda along with Doctor Sarah Brewer and Jemima Khan are currently researching putting together a book about Trichotillomania. The aim is that this book would be used to offer informative information to the public with regard to TTM.

Would you be interested in putting together your story with a view to this possibly being included in the book? You have the option of remaining anonymous. The most  inspiring  stories will be included in the book and this would be judged by Lucinda, Jemima and Dr Sarah. If you are interested then the closing date for submitting your story is August 25th. If your story is printed then you will receive a credit of £100 for our Health Space.

Please feel free to write it in your own words however there are some questions detailed below which may help you.
• What age were you when you first pulled your hair and what age are you now?

• Did you go to your GP about this and if so how were you received and what was recommended?

• Are any of your family or close friends aware of your TTM.? How do they feel about it?

• How does it affect your day to day life?

• How do you manage your TTM? Have you had periods of time where you were pull free and if so how did you manage    this?

• What is the best advice you got to help manage your TTM and where did that advice come from?

• Have you ever had Cognitive Behavioural therapy (CBT) and if so did you think it made a difference?

• Have you ever spoken to anyone else with TTM?

• Do you use any online forums to get information about TTM?
Throughout your whole experience of TTM is there one particular experience that stands out in your memory either positive or negative?

Please send your story by email to and  this  will then be forwarded to Lucinda.

Kind regards,
Miriam Afford
Client Relationship Manager
0208 741 8224 ext 1009