Dear Ladies,

Ijust wanted to post a message on the website to say a huge THANK YOU tothose of you who were able to attend the cocktail evening at the salonon Tuesday the 11th.

It was such a pleasure to meet some of youand get to talk to you about TTM. You were very inspiring- not tomention smart, beautiful and lovely.

I also wanted to mentionhow lucky I think you all are to have such great support around you.There are many people who are not so fortunate to have a close networkof friends and supporters who understand what they are going through...So make the most of it!!

If I were you I would try to keep intouch with one another. If you have recovered from TTM and wish to helpsomeone who is at the beginning of their treatment - let Lucinda know.You might be able to give someone a 'shoulder' while they become asclear and strong as you are.

I do wish you all the best of luck in the future - I'm sure you will go from strength to strength...

CanI also encourage you, before I finish, to put your stories together forLucinda and Jemima Khan's book. It would build great awareness for TTMand for what you have been through. If you don't fancy writing aboutyour experience try drawing a picture or writing a poem... whatever youlike... it's things like this that will help others in the future.

Until next time, best wishes to you all.

Duffy xx

p.s- Thank you also for the flowers and delicious cupcakes!