Message from Lucinda Ellery
In this edition of our newsletter I am publishing for the benefit of my young TTM girls a wonderful email I received from Harriet. Harriet   was very  bravely  filmed by Channel 4 the programme called ‘Girls on the Pull’, if you have not seen it you can access it   through   our
site. The email she sent me is so inspiring for our younger TTM clients. It shines a beacon of hope to you all that it is possible to manage your TTM, you just have to work at it, change the way you think and you will change the way you react, you will feel so different, you will look different and your hair will be a natural consequence of that. One day you may have most of your hair most of the time, until you have all your hair some of the time, until you have all your hair all the time… and in between we are here.
Now this brings me to the lovely star letter from Julie; are your boxes of tissues out? This makes sense of the saying ‘read this and weep’. Julie’s experience and the ways she puts it in words has moved me as I read it again, I can feel the tears build up in my eyes. How brave and kind is she to share her thoughts and feelings with us all, thank you Julie, I am so very privileged to have been apart of something so special, I feel blessed and I think of your words often.
Finally when Miriam Afford (Senior Advisor – our earth angel if ever there was one) read me the answers from Erica’s client satisfaction questionnaire. I could not stop smiling. So Erica has kindly asked us to publish her feedback in this newsletter. I include her feedback for you, not only because I know my team are brilliant and amazing, but because Erica is a similar vintage to me. Neither of us are spring chickens, but it demonstrated that at any age, having a great head of hair is both achievable and manageable. Looking good and making the very best of ourselves is not just the prerogative of the young, but it also demonstrates how her wonderful attitude brings her an amazing experience. The circle of life, what you put in comes back like a boomerang (good or bad). So many lessons, even in the simple things in life.
Our client letters and feedback give out volumes of hope and inspiration to others. Thank you so much for taking the time and for making the effort to share your thoughts. I am totally sure many will be touched by our client letters by the determination, courage and individual strength shown. Client joueys inspire ‘faith’ and what is faith? It certainly not about religion, it is about believing without seeing, may we all have it in spades.
Well girls, please God let this summer be a good one. If you want to see me about anything, please set up a one to one consultation at reception or you can all get my mobile number and text me. There are one thousand and forty minutes to every day and I only sleep for three hundred of them, so if I can do anything to make your life better I totally will.

Big hugs and blessings

Lucinda x
Star Letter 1
Dear Lucinda,

I have just read the February newsletter which I look forward to with anticipation. I hope that the following words may help to inspire others that are thinking of asking for your help.
Trying to understand the fears and insecurities of those of us with thinning hair is almost impossible for those with luscious locks, so your true life stories and experiences are invaluable to help create understanding and empathy.
I only wish that I knew about you many years ago as most of my teenage and adult life has been nothing short of miserable, full of insecurities surrounding my appearance but mainly my lack of hair. One of the hardest things I’ve ever been through was a divorce, my husband leaving me for a woman with the most fabulous long shiny black locks I had ever seen. My confidence dropped to minus ten and remained that way for many years.
Eventually I met my new partner and our wedding was booked for May 2008. I can remember the joy of the impending wedding being overshadowed by my terror of how my hair would look on my big day. I searched high and low for hair pieces and had various stressful consultations with hairdressers about extensions. I was met only with negativity. Eventually my only option was a hair piece and a fringe extension, but I went through the day worrying about how it looked and if people could see my thinning strands undeeath the hairpiece. For most brides it’s all about the dress but for me it was my lack of hair.
On the wedding night my husband helped me to untie my beautiful dress but then it was time to remove the one hundred or so hair pins that held my hairpiece in place. As each pin was removed, my heart became heavier and my confidence subsided, I hid in the bathroom from my husband trying desperately to comb out the matted frizz that was left undeeath and the tears that I cried were not of joy as they should have been but of desperation.
After that I would take my hair piece and have it put on to attend parties and functions but this was not sustainable as it always had to be removed and reality would stare back at me from the mirror.
One evening I saw the programme “Ten Years Younger”. I was still crying when my husband got home. I had recorded it and asked him to watch it again with me. I couldn’t believe that it was possible to have hair. My husband, without hesitation, just said the magic words “wow, ring them, give it a go”. It took me several weeks to pluck up the courage to make an appointment for a consultation. Finally, the day arrived. Shaking from head to foot I boarded the train for London. I was greeted at reception with a big welcoming smile and a cup of much needed strong tea. The next two hours changed my life. I was shown that anything is possible and agreed to go ahead and book my new Intralace system.
The day approached and my nerves were in tatters. Would I look fake? Would people stare at me? Would it look like a wig? Would it blow off in a strong wind? None of the above were true.
The day of my new system came and two lovely technicians welcomed me with comforting words. The system took all day to apply and there were several moments when I thought “just take it all off and let me get out of here”. But finally, at 7pm that evening, I walked out of the salon with my new system, beautifully styled. I have never looked back.
As I approached the train station my husband was waiting outside to meet me for dinner. Our eyes met and our gaze unbroken. He took me in his arms and held me so tightly that I thought he would never let me go. When I looked up at him he just said “you look beautiful” and we both cried. We could hardly eat at dinner. The new feeling of having hair was strange but exciting. My husband said that the best thing of all was my smile….
Whilst we were on our holiday my wife pointed out to me that you had a two page article in the February 2012 edition of Woman & Home. She was so proud of her hair and your company she told everyone in our party about it. Since retuing home I have read the article properly and I was wondering if in some small way I could help you with your work.
It did take a while to adjust to the new me and my new schedule of appointments but it was worth it. I look back and the only regrets that I have are the wasted years that I didn’t know about you Lucinda. Thank you and your staff, the positive impact upon my life has been immeasurable.

Gratefully yours,

Julie (Kent)
Sharing TTM Success
Hi Lucinda, I'm sorry I haven't contacted you recently, but the past 6 months have been some of the craziest in a very long time. Starting Uni was a very daunting experience, especially without any hair protection, but somehow I am not only enjoying University but I am also 99% pull free. I don't think that pulling out two hairs really count when at one point I barely had any of my own hair at all. I honestly never thought that I would one day have all of my own hair, I always thought there would be some part of it that was bald. But with the help of you, and your wonderful team I am 19 now and enjoying a full head of hair and I couldn't be prouder of myself if I tried. I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you for saving me and my hair before it got to a point that I couldn't' change. Finding out about Lucinda Ellery has been the biggest life changing event to date and I'm now a very confident girl. I went on a two week holiday with my boyfriend to Greece, where I felt comfortable getting my hair wet, knowing that no one would ever know I once pulled it all out. The same for University, no one knows that I ever pulled out my hair, its not that I am ashamed of it, I just needed a new start. A new place with new hair.
I hope that you are well and hopefully I will see you at some point in 2012. Thank you for everything that you've done for me. If it wasn't for you, I'd still be that shy 15 year old girl that first ventured to your consultancy.

Kind regards,

Harriet (Norfolk)
Trichotillomania (TTM) Cheese and
Wine Evening – Christina Pearson
On the 24th of May 2012 we will be holding a Cheese and Wine evening exclusively for clients with Trichotillomania (TTM). We are honoured that Christina Pearson, the global founder and executive director of TLC (Trichotillomania Leaing Center) will be our guest speaker – the biggest organisation of its kind in the world. As a result of Christina’s remarkable personal jouey of TTM, she is together driven and passionate to change how the world both perceives and deals with Trichotillomania and related problems such as skin picking.
In addition to welcoming Christina as our main guest speaker we are fortunate that Katie Piper, a presenter and charity campaigner has kindly agreed to pop in to our cheese and wine evening. In 2008 Katie survived a horrific rape and acid attack and has since found her own charity to help people living with bus and scars. Recently she received a prestigious woman of the year award. Katie has a new book being launched called ‘Katie Piper – Things Get Better’. Katie shares the key steps that led to her emotional recovery and acknowledges the pain we have all felt at times, whether suffering a breakup, life change or more serious trauma. Drawing on her own experiences and letters from other survivors, Katie shows that we can all find the strength within to carry on and flourish.
If you are a TTM client and would like to attend our cheese and wine evening and have not received an invitation please, contact our  reception      team or Hanrie Kritzinger (Operations Manager) at .
Q&A on client feedback
Lucinda Ellery Consultancy is constantly striving to work with our clients in a collaborative way to ensure we provide the very best service. We have put a questionnaire together that we are asking all Intralace System™ clients to participate in. We value all our clients’ feedback as this allows us an opportunity to develop on areas that may need improvement, but also understand things that we are doing right as a team to make your experience more positive. One of our Administrators will send you a questionnaire by email or post. If you have not heard from one of our admin team whether you are a new or existing client and wish to participate in our questionnaire, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0208 741 8224. This is what Erica from Bucks had to say about some of our questions:
Can you describe how you feel about your New Hair? Answer: It is simply the best thing that has happened to me for years. No more avoiding mirrors and my reflection in shop windows, spending hours trying to hide the problem areas and loathing every photo of myself because my hair looked so dreadful. Since having my ‘new hair’, I have been told it takes 10 years off me and a friend thought I must have undergone plastic surgery because I look so much younger. I have even been stopped in a shop by a lady who didn’t know me but wanted to say how lovely my hair looked. What more can you ask?
2. Do you feel confident and well informed about washing, styling and looking after your hair?
Answer: Yes, this was well explained at the first wash appointment. It takes longer to dry because it is so wonderfully thick, (what bliss) so I’m looking for a light weight hairdryer as I prefer to dry it in sections to get a smooth end result. At night, I have to tie it up due to the dreaded oveight flushes but it only takes 5 minutes in the moing to blow dry it back into an immaculate style, thanks to Kylie’s superb cut.
3. Do you feel we look after you well at your appointments?
Answer: Simply SUPERB. The whole experience is fantastic. You make the clients feel so special and your staff really understand their clients. The visits to King Street are closer to going for beauty treatments than those ghastly trips to the hair salon where  no  one   was
the slightest bit interested or understood the problems of thinning hair. Those lovely little touches such as great complimentary coffee and a cereal bar or biscuit make such a welcome difference. I was also touched when yesterday Lucinda took the time to come over to say ‘hello’, it was such a small thing to do but it meant a great deal to me to be able to say ‘thank-you’ to Lucinda face to face.
4. Do you feel well informed about your Intralace System in general?
Answer: Yes and I am considering the natural hairline but really appreciate that the team advised me I did not have to rush into this and it would be fine to take my time before making any change.
5. Have you found it easy to contact us?
Answer: Initially in December it was a problem but since then it has been fine.
6. If you have contacted us with a particular query did you feel the person you spoke to took ownership of your query and was your issue resolved quickly?
Answer: I couldn’t wish for more patience and responsiveness
7. Would you be happy to recommend us if the opportunity presented itself?
Answer: 100% yes yes yes.
8. What one thing could we do to improve your experience? Answer: Your staff and the salon exceed in excellence and are far ahead of ‘best practice’
9. Would you like us to contact you regarding your comments?
Answer: Please feel free to do so if you wish.
Skin Patch Tests
Lucinda Ellery would like to welcome Nichola Gigle who recently joined the styling team. In due course, clients will have an opportunity to meet Nichola as she is currently carrying out colour sensitivity tests with scheduled appointments  for  clients
who want this service in the future. This is to prevent any colour sensitivity or allergic reactions. The first round of colour sensitivity testing is for L’Oreal Majirel permanent tint and the second test will be for L’Oreal Inoa permanent tint. The skin test is valid for 6 months, however if you do not have a colour service in this period, we will need to carry out a test before applying colour. The test consists of applying a small amount of tint behind your ear and leaving it for 48 hours.
We ask you to note any type of sensitivity i.e. itching, redness, swelling, pain or discomfort. If you notice anything unusual, we ask that you remove the product immediately and contact us as soon as possible so we can update your records. However, if there is nothing unusual then you are able to remove the product with confidence and carry on as normal.
Unless you have had a skin test for the relevant product, you will not be able to receive a colour service within Lucinda Ellery Consultancy. For those of you already having colour done on a regular basis, you will not be affected in any way. We would like to thank you for your understanding and cooperation while we carry out our colour sensitivity tests.
Press Articles
We would like to thank our clients Claire and Angela for taking part in a recent Hair Loss article which was featured in Best Magazine. We had a very positive response to the article  and  many  ladies  contacted  us  as       they      could
empathise with Claire and Angela’s stories. I am sure you will agree that they both look fabulous. If you are interested in joining our Model Register then please contact
312 King Street, Hammersmith, London, W6 0RR, 0208 741 8224
Old Exchange Building, 29 - 31 King Steet, Manchester, M2 6BE 0844 567 8899