Dear Ladies,
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude for your attendance at the recent Cocktails & Cupcakes evening.
Judging by the many letters, emails and text’s I have received, it was a huge success and we recognise this could only be made possible by the participation of our valued ladies, so please accept a very big thank you from all of us here at Lucinda Ellery, we hope you enjoyed the evening as much as we did.
These events are designed to allow clients to mingle with fellow TTMs, exchange details and extend much needed support and understanding.
Here at Lucinda Ellery we are dedicated to pioneering the widespread recognition of this most secretive and misunderstood of conditions.
To allow us to highlight the condition it is imperative we are in possession of as many individual case studies or personal experiences of TTM as possible. To this end I would like to ask you to anonymously provide us a short piece regarding your experience of living with TTM.
Ladies please make an effort to help others. We respect that to draw upon or disclose such information, either for reasons of privacy, or simply not wishing to dwell on a negative experience or memory that is assuredly best forgotten can be difficult, however I implore you to consider that it is only by this information being imparted and available to others that may lead them to being inspired with hope and realise that they are not alone in living with TTM. This information has the potential to go on to educate health professionals, teaching establishments and parents alike so is invaluable to the cause.
Please send us your stories via email to
I look forward to receiving your anonymous TTM memoirs and would like to extend many thanks in advance for your efforts.
Kind regards
Lucinda Ellery