Ladies One and All,
I can do nothing else but say thank you so much for your wonderful letters. One of which I want to share a part of with you. It truly touched me.
"Dear Lucinda, I have been a client in your London salon since March 2013. I imagine that you have heard many times how you have transformed people’s lives with the work you do at Lucinda Ellery salons all over the world. You have changed mine too and every time I have my appointments at your King Street salon I am amazed how you are able to transform what could be a difficult, painful and sad time for those that come every 6 weeks into such a pleasant, joyful experience from where we all leave feeling reinvigorated and
with a boost in confidence. For that contributes the beautiful setting but most of all everyone from the lovely, dedicated and passionate staff that always treats us like friends using first names and asking about our families. For all this I truly admire your company, not only the clever designs that make so much difference in the lives of those affected by thinning or hair loss but also the way all the staff are so genuinely happy about the work they do.” The beautiful young lady that sent me this will recognise her words and may join our team going forward.
It’s very difficult to explain the impact that saying such wonderful things has on all of us. I feel that it is all the people I work with. The teams and and