Wow it always feels a bit surreal the first few times I acknowledge the turning of a new year. A fresh start, a clean slate, and a brand new year for a brand new you.......... all of the New Year related messages I am sure you have heard, seen or even said yourself by the time you are reading this. Although, we don’t need a new year to make changes, to start our fresh journeys or to change our direction and this is all within your own power at any point in any year and the sooner you start believing you really will start seeing. If you are making any new year’s resolutions this year let this be one, to have the power to believe and imagine (image in) your wishes, wants and desires into reality. I was reading an article over the Christmas period which was explaining the 5 ways in which we can easily apply the law of attraction to our lives and I wanted to share these 5 points with you: 1. You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most. 2. Your thoughts cause your feelings.3. Begin to talk about what you want with others and enrol them in your dream, your desire, and your want. 4. Remember "I am... 5. Take inspired action that aligns you with what you want. In short you are what you think, believe, speak about and you are what you believe you are. So start taking steps to realise your dreams......... remember always the late great Wayne Dyer’s most powerful quotation “tell me a man’s thoughts today and I will show you his future tomorrow”. If anyone reading this needs help or guidance in understanding how to manifest this notion into your own lives I invite you to book in a 1-2-1 with me, I am always on hand whether it be via face time, email or in one of our studios to discuss.
I was once again overwhelmed well and truly by the amount of gifts, cards and well wishes I not only received personally but that the team’s received in all of our locations, as you can see from the pictures below our tree was once again bulging. As tradition goes, we gave all gifts to our teams on the last day of work ensuring all had a little something to take away as a thank you from our clients. I know I say this every year but thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, your generosity and kindness is just amazing and your words of thanks just mean the world to all of us. Thank you thank you thank you. and