Ladies One and All,
I can do nothing else but say thank you so much for your wonderful letters. One of which I want to share a part of with you. It truly touched me.
"Dear Lucinda, I have been a client in your London salon since March 2013. I imagine that you have heard many times how you have transformed people’s lives with the work you do at Lucinda Ellery salons all over the world. You have changed mine too and every time I have my appointments at your King Street salon I am amazed how you are able to transform what could be a difficult, painful and sad time for those that come every 6 weeks into such a pleasant, joyful experience from where we all leave feeling reinvigorated and
with a boost in confidence. For that contributes the beautiful setting but most of all everyone from the lovely, dedicated and passionate staff that always treats us like friends using first names and asking about our families. For all this I truly admire your company, not only the clever designs that make so much difference in the lives of those affected by thinning or hair loss but also the way all the staff are so genuinely happy about the work they do.” The beautiful young lady that sent me this will recognise her words and may join our team going forward.
It’s very difficult to explain the impact that saying such wonderful things has on all of us. I feel that it is all the people I work with. The teams and clients alike that feed my soul and I and
say to myself everyday and all day how very lucky I am to have you all in my life – past and present and those in and out – it is a true privilege to be surrounded by such delight and joy. I literally know that when it is myturnto move on –it is all of you who bring meaning to life for me and I will always be grateful for every ounce of happiness that I have been able to share through you, thank you, thank you, a million times thank you to everyone I will forever be grateful...
Wow, that was fast ... 36 weeks till Christmas ... I wish I was kidding... But it does give one food for thought and yet another look at "PERSPECTIVE "...
I saw something that made me stop and pause for thought, I decided to find a tiny miniature key ring with a pink skeleton waving about to remind me always, this is what we become and I must therefore do all I want and can RIGHT NOW. The more mature I get (because it's nothing to do with age) the more I am aware how truly important it is to understand that NOW is all we have for sure, hence living in the moment is imperative. A very dear friend of mine Olympian no less, fit as a flea and young, young, young by today's standards, a personal trainer into health and fitness had a stroke at Christmas. It is heartbreaking and there is virtually no help afterwards for those that survive to have to relearn to walk and talk and much, much more.
I attended a fund raiser and heard Andrew Marr speak and walk, remarkably so, since a few short months ago he could do neither.It seems to be everywhere I look that there are constant reminders to us all, to live totally and fully NOW and with any challenge or misery that we experience we should pop a little mental reminder to watch our thoughts keep ourselves busy and giving BECAUSE TIME GOES SOOOOO FAST ... and the more we give the more we receive. They say that if you do what you love and love what you do you will never work a day in your life and I am living proof I haven’t worked a day in my life. SINCE I STARTED THIS ENTERPRISE And I am blessed because of you all.
Love and bountiful dreams

PS. I needed them, so get your tissues out to read Holly’s letter. and
Dear Lucinda and all the girls,
Thank you. A million times over won’t be enough to fully express just how much you have done for me.
I developed alopecia areata after my dad passed away when I was 9. I struggled during school years with absolutely no confidence following a series of bullying. No one understood why I wasn’t “normal”. I guess that stayed with me – so I become covering up. My coping mechanism was denial. If no one else saw it, was it really there? Obviously it was so hiding it from everyone became part of my life.
I have now spent 22 years in hiding - tying my hair up, changing my parting to cover patches, using cover up sprays, head bands, extensions etc. All this gave the illusion that I was “normal” but came at a price. It took me ages to get ready every morning just to look – average. I never felt good. I never learned to swim because wet hair was a no go. I didn’t go on any rides at theme parks. I avoided days out if it was windy. Staying at friends’ houses or holidays with groups of people were a no-go too and I avoided relationships through fear of rejection. It was half a life.
In the last year things got even worse, I began having panic attacks every morning as I struggled to cover up for the day ahead. My career began to suffer as I would be late in or not come in at all. My relationships were struggling as I attended less and less events with friends. The final straw came when I had to tell my best friend I didn’t think I could face being her bridesmaid because of it – that broke my heart. I had changed from the outgoing sociable person I really am to a recluse.
After confiding in my Mum we researched and found Lucinda. I was a ball of nerves during the consultation and my best friend held my hand the whole way though. Priya talked me through everything and I was so comforted to know all of my emotions were normal. That was a first for me. Priya could see how much I needed this and managed to get me an appointment the following week.
I cried for about 2 hours the night before. I was terrified that if it didn’t work I had no other options left. The journey was nerve wracking and I was scared. As soon as I walked through the doors to meet my team for the day that all went away.
The environment Lucinda has created is beyond perfect. I felt instantly safe and my confidence has been growing ever since. I walked out of the studio a different woman to the frightened girl that went in. I feel like my old self again. The girls did an amazing job, they listened to me and understood what was important to me. Nothing was too much trouble and I knew I wouldn’t leave there until I was happy.
From the receptionist, to the consultants, to the technicians, to the stylists – everyone there made me feel a million dollars. I will never be able to thank you all enough for what you have done for me. I am now sitting here planning my bridesmaid hair for my best friend’s wedding.
I look forward to my appointments and no longer wake up starting my day in fear.
Thank you Lucinda and the angels. You have changed my life.
Holy and