Message from Lucinda Ellery
Dear girls,
Ever wonderful, ever present in my life. I will never be able to express the joy that I have in just knowing you are there.
I think about the women that grace our establishment every day and your inspiring and challenging stories. One hears more and more alarming news about violence, recession, turmoil and struggle, man’s inhumanity and cruelty to one another, the pain and anguish in just about every country on our planet. It is very sad that we live in such disturbing and turbulent times but we have more opportunities than ever before to be close, to stay in touch, to communicate, to travel, to experience the richness and diversity of every culture and to help one another to support and enrich one another’s lives. It’s a shame we can’t do more to make this world a better place but then this is LIFE no more no less than it has ever been and as frustrating as it is as individual, we cannot wave a magic wand and it all be amazing.
We are all in a play in which we have a part and by changing our own lives and helping others to do the same, we are in a position to raise the conscious levels and vibration of the planet with kindness, love and happiness. By smiling in the face of anxiety and sadness we can help everyone. I observed a young lady in the mirror who had the weight of the world on her shoulders, she looked forlorn and separate from everyone else around her and all were avoiding  her  space. I went  and
chatted to her for a little while and in time I got her smiling and cheerful. I took a call and by the time I came back, she was surrounded by the girls chatting to her, organi-
zing refreshments and the whole energy that had prevailed, evaporated as if it had never been. I thought about it that evening and the words of a song came to my mind “Smile and the whole world smiles with you”. I can honestly say learning to smile no matter the circumstances has improved the quality of my life and a smile is like switching a light on in the gloom and really helps in every way.
It is important to feel as good as possible; we attract more of what we feel. I understand more and more our connectedness with one another and how lucky I am to work in an industry that allows me to make a real difference to the women I work with and on. One cannot underestimate the power that a woman’s hair holds over her, especially if she starts to lose it. Self esteem is an essential ingredient to a better fulfilling and healthy quality of life. Indeed, as individuals each and every one of us can do something to make our world a better place for someone else. No matter how small our contributions seem in the greater scheme of things I have no doubt it is more enormous than we can ever imagine. 
Star Letter
D ear Lucinda,
It was lovely to chat to you recently at the studio, and to receive your beautiful card and message.
I am 69 years old. I had naturally thick curly hair, but it gradually started thinning after menopause due to hereditary reasons. My appearance is very important to me (I am a perfectionist) and for many years I tried to hide my increasingly visible scalp with hair pieces and hair extensions. When I removed the hair pieces at night it was like “The picture of Dorian Grey” as my appearance (to me) just crumbled. Going to the hairdresser was an ordeal and I spent much time and money trying to find the ‘ideal’ solution, be it locally or expensive salons in London and abroad. It was a relief to find Lucinda Ellery salon, on the recommendation of my cousin whose hair was transformed by your system.
Nothing could have prepared me for the beautiful experience at the Lucinda Ellery Salon:
The genuine care and love I received from every member of staff, and the constant attention received during the sessions
The happy atmosphere created by those working in the Salon, despite the long intricate sessions
The simplicity of the system
The efficiency of the salon – every detail is noted, all appointments run on time (I am a perfectionist)
The professionally run company – but with such a personal touch
The lovely uplifting feeling when leaving the salon, feeling like a million dollars and looking years younger
I started with a regular system which was attached at the front with a fringe. Gradually over the years, due to my thinning hair at the front, I have now changed to the natural hairline parting, and this was the best solution for me. This system is also secure and has the advantage of having your hair off the face if you wish.
Soon after I started at Lucinda Ellery, I fell and broke my shoulder and ended up having 2 operations. My hair was a godsend and so stress-free. In hospital, as well as when recuperating at physiotherapy, it was very reassuring to have the Lucinda Ellery system and everything intact. It is so good to go to bed at night and get up in the morning with a full head of hair.
I would much prefer to have the Lucinda Ellery ‘designer hair’ than designer clothes or Jimmy Choos (not that I could walk in them).
I am regularly complimented on my hair, and I am always proud to say that it is not my own hair but a Lucinda Ellery system. Everyone is always amazed, especially hairdressers.
I have instructed my daughter, that even when I’m old and going ga-ga, she must continue to get my hair done at Lucinda Ellery.

Woman’s Hour
An O M G moment. So many of you have said that you’ve heard Sarah Vine, Sunday Times journalist and Beauty editor, talking on Women’s Hour on 23rd January about the impact of the loss of her hair. Didn’t she express herself wonderfully. Not an ounce of self pity insight but you could clearly hear that it mattered a lot. And for myself I want to thank her so much for her kind words about me and what we are doing here at LE. I have written to Women’s Hour and asked them to invite me on the program to talk about these devastating issues that are very very important to women of all ages in our society today. If you are interested, write to Women’s Hour and ask for a transcript of what Sarah said. It could make such a difference if we could educate the medical profession on the quality of life issues that face women with hair loss every day and how much it would mean to us if there was more understanding extended to us individually when we seek their professional advice. Their empathy could go a long way in avoiding the knock on effect on our health and well being which in turn has a knock on effect on our ability to function, earn money and maybe cost our NHS even less. Hence my view on the circle of life and how a smile could change the world.
Channel 4 held a reception on the 12th February. I am so impressed with what they are trying and succeeding to achieve which is to cover diverse programming that highlights real issues that face us all. It was Channel 4 that funded Ruth Kelly’s fantastic film about us here called “Girls on the Pull” about the plight of girls that have Traction Alopecia, TTM (hair pulling, ridiculously named Trichotillomania). It’s a wonderful documentary and I highly recommend looking it up and watching it. It also funded Katie Piper’s “My beautiful friends”. This young lady has won many awards and as a result of the program was able to set up a charity that boasts Simon Cowell as it’s patron. She gave a speech at the reception and has done so much for others including raising over £800 000 to help people that are disfigured to have an improved life. Esther Mac Vey, the Minister for The Disabled, was Katie Piper’s guest speaker. She gave a very empathetic speech and it struck me yet again how important it is to communicate because it all changes lives, and as I personally know these wonderful women and how extraordinary and ordinary they are, they inspire us to create a better world, each and every one of us in our own small way, yet again proving we are all so very important. 
Look at Ruby’s (from Company Online) fabulous hair. Her natural hair is completely wonderful and what we have done is just to extend it, keeping it thicker at the bottom and introducing some waves with curling irons. She’s a gorgeous girl and the team loved working on her. She was very patient and wrote lovely things about us. We are so lucky that we attract just the very best of everyone.
Hayley London Beauty Queen what a stunning red color. I nearly fainted when I saw it. She had the most gorgeous eyes and the red hair just made them pop. Hayley kindly graced us with her time and patience yet again and let us do a fabulous array of sizzling connections which shimmer in the light and made me want to go and touch it. Again, lovely things she said about us. Thank you Hayley. We loved having you.
Sophie Beresiner Elle Magazine Beauty Team last but oh so NOT least. The lovely Sophie a is coming through some serious life challenges. On the outside Sophie is calm, collected, beautiful and serene woman, how difficult the challenge that she has faced, a challenge that actually rocks your world. I never ceased to be humbled by the women I meet facing and conquering cancer. It tugs at my heart strings and I am full of wonder at the courage that they exhibit and how they manage their thoughts is a humbling experience to me. Needless to say, she looked gorgeous and loved her new hair. It’s all so thrilling to me to be part of her healing journey. Way to go Sophie. 
Lucinda Ellery in the Press
I would love to share a selection of articles and images that have been in the press in the last few weeks and would like to take this opportunity to thank these beautiful young women for sharing the secrets of their truly gorgeous, sexy and glamorous hair. All the girls are normal working women who had the courage to take their hair situation into their own hands. I think you’ll agree; they all look gorgeous and it’s so inspiring to see what they have had done. 
Scotland’s very own identical twins Alana and Lisa Macfarlane. These little hot potatoes have wonderful, thick, glorious hair on their own but for various reasons had different styles. We had the opportunity to lengthen one and thicken the other to make a matching pair. Being in a presence of these 2 dynamic ladies is a breath of fresh air, watching them is completely fascinating and the team enjoyed their company enormously. These stunners DJ at China White if you go and see them, give them a squeeze from me.
We had a great opportunity to meet Fiona Ramsey. The lovely Fiona took time out of her busy schedule and shared with us the incredible work she does. Trained by Karen Betts she creates the most beautiful eyebrows and eye lashes, these are a permanent fixture to those of us that are left bereft without them. The care and attention to detail is wonderful to see. She has such empathy for this very important role, so much so that the top dermatologists and some plastic surgeons will only recommend her work.
 Contact No. 0772 987 5480
Permanent cosmetics are the ideal solution for those who wish to replace thinning, patchy or nonexistent eyebrows. Also known as semi permanent make up or micro pigmentation, permanent cosmetics are a form of cosmetic tattooing which replicates perfectly applied make up, but without the need for constant application. If you are one of the many women who have lost their brows through illness, medication, undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy or just the general ageing process, permanent cosmetics can be used to recreate natural looking brows and help restore your confidence. If you would like further information, or to book in for a consultation appointment, please call Fiona Ramsay, who is a Micropigmentation Specialist with clinics based within Spire Murrayfield Hospital, Edinburgh and The Edinburgh Clinic.