Dear TTM Clients,

Those of you that attended our recent TTM event will have had some information on a study on the possible positive effects of amino acid N-acetylcysteine. 

I was delighted to recieve the email below from one of my long term clients who has had a very positive response from using this. 

If you decide to try it then I would be very keen to get your feedback. 

Best regards,




Lucinda gave me an article about  the positive affects of amino acid N-acetylcysteine for those with TTM.

Having  been in the midst of a fairly intense pulling phase for the past few months I decided to give this remedy a try.  Whilst its still very early days, I have had very positive results and have gone from intense daily pulling to zero pulling literally oveight from the first day I started taking N-acetylcysteine.   

Its been 12 days now which is amazing.  Needless to say I will continue with the remedy and will keep you updated.

Many thanks and kindest regards