Message from Lucinda Ellery
My dearest clients,

I have no better joy than seeing the light in your eyes and the smiles on your faces. Sharing your hugs and love bo out of relief and joy at having your hair recreated or normalised, in many cases better than it has ever been. To work in this environment, with the team of amazing people whose pride in their skills and pleasure from your appreciation of the efforts is immeasurable.
Your constant stream of letters and praise for the service that we take great joy in giving, inspires us to continue providing you with the very best we can. I want to share the top characteristics that you expressed to me: the pleasure you feel at how kindand polite my team is. I want   to say in tu that
there  are  virtually  no exceptions our clients’
continued kindness,politeness and support
to us in tu – a true  indication  of  the
wonderful law of attraction that what
you send out, you receive back.
I now consider  that losing   my hair
and the 25 years of  misery I  believe
it cost me in hind  sight  was a true gift,
for  without  this   experience   I  would
never have had  the  opportunity to  meet
and  share  with  other women  like  myself,
the anxiety and devastation and the opposite; an abundance of feeling good about our hair, forever more!!
If it hadn’t been for you all, I would have not been able to express my obsession with hair and its beauty. It was your courage 28 years ago in allowing me to experiment on a living, breathing, working alteative to hair loss, wigs and hair pieces - real gigantic 21 century ground breaking solutions, a pioneering new way forward for us girls!!
I loved my wigs; they saved my sanity but
I didn’t enjoy their restrictiveness. Having
my Intralace has made me so excited in
having the opportunity to make my hair
look 20 years old even if I don’t!
I still get butterflies when having my
hair done, maybe I never truly got over of
losing it in the first place but I sure do
love my hair every single day now, even
enjoying the odd, bad hair day when it
needs doing or washing, I’m reminded how
lucky I am to have this hair on my head which I can wash, brush, set, dress, style, go to bed with, wake up with and it’s an ever present force for pleasure, glamour and normality in my daily life. I face the world feeling a 100% better than I ever did with any other hair solution. I feel like God has given me my hair back, just a different way and if I can give just a little bit of that joy to the women I work with and on, I think my stay here on planet Earth contributes to the human joy pool that I am surrounded with, every day!
Star Letter
In every newsletter I will be writing things pertaining to TTM (Trichotilomania) and Traction Alopecia.
I received a brilliant letter from the mother of one of my TTM girls. I was struck by her understanding of her daughter’s plight that I asked her consent to share the content of her letter with you. If you are a parent of a TTM girl, you have my sincerest empathy and sympathy. There is never enough support and understanding for the traumatic emotions parents have to face and go through while dealing with their child’s devastating condition. I could write a book on this alone!!!
This wonderful mother clearly gets what’s going on and I was so inspired by what she wrote that I thought it might be helpful to parents and loved ones. If you have children with TTM, please take time to read it. Maybe even parents of children with hair loss might find it useful too. I want to take this opportunity in thanking this lovely mother for taking the time and effort to write to me and share her thoughts.
Dear Lucinda,

I hope this letter finds you well. I feel very guilty that I have to start by offering a big apology for not having written sooner. I know we spoke several months ago and I told you I was writing to you then, which I genuinely was! In fact I have started several letters to you but always found it very difficult to express clearly our very sincere gratitude for all the help and support provided to Kelly by you and your wonderful staff. I suppose I was making my letter far too complicated and as I was determined when I started to write today that I will finish this letter and post it immediately.
It is genuinely difficult to put into words how
my husband and I are to you all for helping Kelly to
overcome Trichotillomania. Before she attended the
Hammersmith clinic and had the Intralace System
fitted, she had been pulling on and off for
almost seven years but continuously for
five.We had ourselves to the fact that she
would forever wear a head scarf or disguise
of some sort and that TTM would be part of
/ dominate her life indefinitely. All the
other ‘cures’ ortreatments we explored such
as CBT, family therapy and hypnosis all had
little success. It seemed a very bleak outlook
and I had to frequently remind myself to be
grateful that it wasn’t a life threatening
illness and that Kelly was otherwise a healthy,
normal teenager. It was not an easy condition for her to live with as a teenager, which I know you will only be too familiar with. She felt very different from her friends and worried constantly that her bald patches would be seen under her scarf. It left her very self-conscious and vulnerable. Having the Intralace System fitted changed all that pretty much instantly at what I feel was a very
critical time for her. It allowed her so much more freedom, finally she would socialise with her friends, go to  parties  and  sleepovers  without  the  constant worry of her scarf slipping or being pulled off. Her
self  confidence  grew massively  which  was
wonderfulfor  us  to  see. To move from  the
Intralace to extensions just over a year later and
to see how her own hair had grown back was
another huge leap forward and for her now to
have all her own hair is truly amazing. I am
grateful for everyday she is pull free but I
do understand it is still relatively early days
and there are no guarantees that she will not
pull again. I’m more than a little cross with
her that she has not been to see you for
quite a while now. She has promised
on several occasions that she will make an
appointment so I verymuch hope it will happen soon.
During the summer I did find a little ball of hair in the bed and felt my heart sink. I spoke to her immediately about it and she said she had pulled while lying in bed reading but stopped immediately once she realised what was happening. It was a wakeup call for us both not to be too complacent and I ask her frequently if all is ok with her hair. She did make contact with another of your younger clients some time ago and they communicated through Facebook but that also seems to have dwindled. I have encouraged her to try and renew that contact as it is always good to talk with someone who knows what you are going through.
Kelly is in her final year at a Northe university studying law so there will be a lot of pressure and stress over the coming months with essays, dissertations and exams but hopefully the coping mechanisms you have taught her to use will help her to deal with all of this without resorting to pulling again. I’m sure it’s a case of taking every day as it comes and taking huge positives from being relatively pull free for well over 18 months now.
I think I have probably rambled on more than enough for now but wish to apologize once more for not having sent this letter a very long time ago.
With my sincere thanks and best wishes,
Lucinda Ellery in the Press
I would love to share a selection of articles and images that have been in the press in the last few weeks and would like to take this opportunity to thank these beautiful young women for sharing the secrets of their truly gorgeous, sexy and glamorous hair. All the girls are normal working women who had the courage to take their hair situation into their own hands. I think you’ll agree; they all look gorgeous and it’s so inspiring to see what they have had done.
Clients’ Letters
There is a lovely letter which just shows how important it is to be looked after and feel joy and happiness. It bounces from every word of this divine woman and our aim is to give every client this fabulous feeling. We are dedicated to your pleasure and fulfilment. It made me smile so much!
Dear Lucinda and your fantastic team of miracle workers,
I have only just had the Intralace System fitted and already I feel absolutely fabulous. I don’t think there are enough superlatives in the English language to describe exactly how I feel. But I think “just feeling normal again” will strike a chord with many ladies who are suffering from hair loss problems.
My emotions at the moment are mixed between grinning like a Cheshire cat and crying with tears and joy.
Like so many other ladies I wished I had known about you earlier - but grateful that I know about you now.
As soon as I made the initial phone call to arrange my consultation, I knew that my “problem” was going to be solved. What I could not have known at the time, however, was just how amazing I would feel.
I could  write pages   and  pages  about
the fantasticservice I received from all
your  staff – but I  think  you  already
know just what a fabulous team you
It’s difficult for me to keep this letter
brief – I really want to tell everyone
about    “The    Lucinda    Ellery
Experience” but I think I will close
now and have another peek in the
mirror  at   this “drop-dead”
gorgeous 60 year old that you
have created!
Briefly Mrs. Ellery I feel better than I could ever have imagined. Thank you and your wonderful team so very, very much.
NHS Funding
Lucinda Ellery has been working with a number of Primary Care Trusts around the UK for several years now.  Some of our clients are currently receiving funding for their Intralace System.  We understand that applying for funding can be difficult however it is always great news when another client has been successful with their funding application. 
One of our clients has recently had confirmation that her funding has been granted for a further period of time. This client received funding periodically since 2006.  It is normal for Primary Care Trusts to review the clients funding agreement within certain time frames so we are delighted that her Primary Care Trust has recognized the positive affect the Intralace System has on this lady day to day life and her well being.
Chemotherapy and Hair loss
One of the hardest aspects when undergoing Chemotherapy is the effect it has on your hair. Not all chemotherapy drugs make your hair fall out and sometimes the loss is minimal however some people will experience partial or complete hair loss during or immediately after the treatment. Permanent hair loss following chemotherapy is rare.
The Cold Cap treatment can reduce the amount of hair loss as it protects some of the follicles. Not all Cancer types can be treated with the cold cap in place so your Doctor or Chemotherapy nurse will let you know if it is appropriate for you.
If your hair is going to fall out, it usually starts within 2-3 weeks of starting chemotherapy and this may be noticed when you brush or wash your hair. One can not underestimate the impact this has on the ladies emotional wellbeing.
There are options to conceal the hair loss. Some ladies choose to use scarf’s or wigs however many ladies would prefer a more permanent solution and so they choose to use a hair integration system like the Intralace System which will disguise the hair loss but also allow the natural hair to grow back freely undeeath the system. It’s understandable why many ladies want to conceal their hair loss from their families and friends. I spoke to a lady recently who said she did not want her young children to see her without hair, she didn’t want to
have to remove a scarf or wig at bed time and
she  pointed  out that  by  having her hair
restored through the use of the Intralace
System she felt a sense of normality
retuing immediately – everyone
said she looked betterand she
felt better.
She also felt that people treated her differently – they assumed all was well as she looked like her old self.
In most cases the hair fully grows back once the treatment is finished. The hair can sometimes grow back a different colour or texture and it can be challenge to wait for it to grow to your preferred length. Your hair can successfully grow back undeeath the Intralace System and it will get to a stage where the system would then just be removed. Ladies may then choose to use fine, lightweight extensions until they are happy with the length of their own natural hair.
Coping with  Cancer is one of the hardest things for anyone  to   deal  with.   Having   Chemotherapy   for   Cancer  brings  its  own  challenges. Those  ladies that
are   comfortable   to   manage  their    hair   loss
without concealing it should be admired but our
hair is embedded  in  our femininity and  so for
many   ladies  the  hair  loss   has  a  profound
effect  on   their   emotional  wellbeing.  It  is
comforting   to   know  that  full  re growth is
entirely  possible and probable but while you
wait   there  are  great  options  available  to
temporarily  replace  your   crowning  glory
and in tu restore your confidence.